Monday, July 11, 2011

Are the verb tenses correct for all the verbs in this paragraph?

Vincent Van Gogh is probably most well known in America for cutting off a large piece of his own ear with a razor in a fit of rage after a violent quarrel with Paul Gauguin with who he was sharing a house at the time. While trying to establish an artists’ colony in the South of France, Gauguin and Van Gogh lived together in the “Yellow House” for several months, during which time their arguments over art escalated to the virulent stage. Van Gogh also suffered from manic depression, a serious mental illness characterized by dramatic mood swings from very high highs to very low lows. Unfortunately, the time of the quarrel with Gauguin coincided with one of Van Gogh’s low periods, causing him to be almost prostate with despair. Van Gogh wrapped the piece of his ear in a sheet of newspaper and gave it to a local prostitute, an acton that caused outrage among the local populace and prompted his brother Theo, with whom he had a very close relationship, to encourage Van Gogh to commit himself to an asylum. The flamboyance of the event was un fortunate in many ways, but primarily because it had become the event most associated with the name Van Gogh and tends to diminish the importance of his work in the eyes of many.

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