Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good fat burner that acctually works?

hey im a 15yr old male, bout 5'9 and weight 92kg. ive being going to the gym for about 2years on and of and have bulked up for my age. as i lost 20kg when i was younger, i still have a bit of exess fat which is blocking my muscle from showing. i eat right and play soccer 6times a week but the fat is stuborn and wont leave. i brought a fat burner called "carnitine". when i got it i lost bout 2kg but then it didnt nothing for me, i was hoping if anyone could help me with a great fat burner which acctually works (money isnt an issue) or any other method of training to get rid of the fat. i only want to lose about 5-7kg to get tonned a little more. thankyou very much :]

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