Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My babies dad is a *** hole and don't know what to do!!!?

Kimy I am 38 and have a now 19 year old son. I went through a lot with my son's father many years ago. I don't know what your situation is, but if he persists, you need to call the police. And do it every time. Save everything. This creates a paper trail. As far as your little girl, she does not need to know, don't let her hear these things. My ex husband was violent, bipolar, a drug addict and alcoholic and I made the HUGE mistake of telling my son the truth about his dad. Now, he resents me, and tells people he had a bad childhood, and that his father would not of turned out that way if I had not divorced him. I struggle for many years to give him things, and his father never concerned himself with our son. I got a meager 108.74 in child support. I had his wages garnished so I did not have to see him. If I had to do it over again, I would have moved. Now my son acts a lot like him. Since my ex husband had and to this day still lives with his mother, she was the one that would take me to court when I was trying to keep my son away from his bad behavior. A judge will almost always be lenient to a father. It is hard to terminate their visitation even if it is in the best interest of your child. He is angry at you, and will do anything to make you miserable, he is immature. A guy like him will never look at it and say this is the mother of my child, what do they need, how can I help? He will not change. If you stay there, he will always be a thorn at your side. I would not want to see anyone go through what I went through, and am still going through. If moving is not an option now, work on making it one. Put back money. Get as far away from him for the sake of your daughter. IF seeing him treat you that way, it will cause dysfunction between you and your daughter, she could very well pick up on that behavior and and direct it towards you. You just don't know how a child processes observing violent behavior in someone, how it will effect them. Shower her with love, kisses, hugs everyday. Make that bond between the two of you strong.

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