Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is their something fundamentally wrong with Muslims?

Here is why I ask we have a muslim leader slaughtering his own people in Libya. You have a Muslim leader slaughtering his own people in Syria even using snipers to kill people attending a funeral. no protest , no outrage just silence from the Muslim world, but let some guy draw a cartoon about Muhammed and it is take to the streets in violent protest ....I am sorry I don't understand maybe a few Muslims can respond and explain this mindset it to this infidel.

My sea monkeys didn't work?

okay this is my second time that i have done this. I brought some sea monkeys the other week from amazon and i first put the bottled water and put the water puifer thing in and leave it for a day and i did that and then put the eggs in i did that too but nothing happened. I mixed it like it said and then black dots at the top of the water was there. I left it for like 3 days to see if anything happened and notta. Ijust thought it was a dud or something. I ordered some more and i repeated the same process and the same thing happened, black dots at the top of the water. am i doing something wrong? Do i not stir? :/

How to go about intriguing this girl on second date after the first was a dud?

I was boring and tired on the first date...not like me, but I had my reasons. I apologized a few days after and she said we could go out again. Now that we're on neutral ground I want to take control of the situation and awe her. Answerers unite! Throw me some ideas!

How do you look for a boyfriend when your the only gay kid in school ?

so im gay and bored with my life, few dudes flirt but i know there juz kiding around. i always say to this dud hes cute and he always say thank you is he juz being nice or...........

Why is he kinda avoiding me?

OK so yesterday a guy i really like and I kissed in the hallway. It was amazing and it made me smile! It made him happy too. later that night I texted him hey and I got a response from him every like 30 minutes and there were dud one word replies. Then he stopped in the middle of the convo! Then today he texted me first but he stopped again! Its frustrating cuz he treats me so good and flirts alot at school! I think he really likes me but- Whats his deal?

My female husky puppy just pissed all over me , why is she acting this way!!? ?

My gf and I just bought two huskies we bought our girl about 2 months ago and out male about a month ago . The female is very sassy and reckless than my male he is very calm and minds his own business until she runs up and starts bothering him to play . I'm trying my best to potty train her but she still goes all over the house . My male is already better than her at potty training . Today my gfs son and I were sitting on out couch watching tv the female was walking on the top of the couch behind us Wich doesn't bother me bc she doesn't chew on the sectional or try to wreck it . But she walked behind us as we were playing with the male and watching tv and I was caught off guard by her urine falling down my gfs sons back and my back . I was outraged . I put her in her kennel for now . What should I do when she acts like this !? Thank you

Piercings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( Guys answer the 2nd question!)?

yes your hole will close up go on youtube and look at ways to hide your piercings some of them are really good you can youse it for half the day and take it out for the other half

I'm scared I'll be lonely after my best friend goes to uni. How can I get close to other people?

you can both sign up on skype and do video chats if your and your friend has camera. i did it when i went to florida i would video chat all the way to california (with my uncle)

Please tell me if my pokemon team is good ?:3?

pretty good, your pokemon are strong and have good moves, just keep battling and everything is all good.(:

Don't know what to do ?

Your mother needs to find a solution to keep all of you together. She's allowing an 11 year old child to make a life-changing decision? That is ridiculous. She needs to be the parent and take charge of the situation. Undoubtedly she is having a lot of trouble dealing with this as well. Yes, you will have to step up to the plate and help out a lot. Tell your mom you want everyone to be together and you will work with her to get to that outcome. Try to remain calm and as reasonable as possible. You are all in a tough situation. Good luck.

Steven king book - cant remember the name of it?

It reminds me of Misery, when Annie is giving Paul mouth to mouth. "That stench, that stench, that ******* stench."

Where is Europe's outrage about Syria?

In addition to the oil, Syria represents a much more serious bite to chew on than Libya does. Syria has a respectable military that is probably a match for any in Europe, except the Brits. Hence, the deafening silence from Europe. It will remain so until American planes bomb Damascus. Then, most likely, the Brits will support us (and the rest secretly do as well while publicly castigating the US for strong-arming poor, little Syria).

When did your toddler start being able to scribble (without just eating the writing implement!)?

My daughter has been able to scribble without eating the crayons since she was a few days shy of one year old. She occasionally uses the flat end of the crayon instead of the point, but it still works. She also just figured out how to click pens, which really I am not too thrilled about.

To Ann Beth- (U asked me to repost) I need help with this situation...?

I put this up bc I need help with this and I can't talk to my parents bout it. I figgured since no one knows me on here that would be great.

A Friendship Question?

Think that friend is a loser, and has a low self esteem and in order for him to cope with it he puts down others, I had a person like that wasn't my friend he would always come up to me and point something out bad or make something up then walk away I just smiled and showed I didn't care cause I honestly didn't I just found him annoying who wants even a friend like that? I would personally not fight him but point out all his wrongs like you said he can't kick a foot ball whenever he comes up to you and says " wow you suck at foot ball" respond with an insult as well. But never go to far just respond with one or two insults and if he keeps going just be like " wow i really don't care i got better things to do then talk to you a**" Even all my friends we insult each other in a joking way most of the time thats just how we communicate but we compliment each other our achievements not on sports but like baggin a girl at school, etc. You can also use that since he's such a jerk does he get any girls? To me any man who doesn't even get a girl fails at life.

Buddhism and parents?

I have been reading up about buddhism.I have always thought about maybe becoming a Buddhist as I've always believed in karma and have always had a love for animals and other living things. My family is all Christian. They have always believed that I have been Christian, even though I have been an atheist for years now. I told my parents that I want to change my religion recently, and they are outraged. Right now I don't know what to do. Its as if I'm being told off for my own opinion. Please help x

Why cant i stay wet during sex?

How should we know?? Also you should be ashamed of yourself for liking to admit your cheating on your boyfriend. Just keep in mind, what goes around comes around.

Im 19 and ive has protecton sex but is no protecton the same?

ok im 19. and have sex(with my boyfriend and a comdom) he wants to take it further with out the comdom. i said ill think bout it . but what do i say? i want kids but is it to early and does it feel the same? plz help

Pregnant please seriously?

I am 4 days late I had light bleeding last week but it dud not seem like my period. I have fatigue , loss in appetite moody cranky. Cramping a little. Increase in vaginal discharge like gushes of it. Took a test today it was negative idk help.. I have also been dizzy . And I just feel like im pregnant ... I'm a girl by the way just on my boyfriends account.. Please serious only

Can I sue the police department for false arrest?

A while back I was accused of false charges where I was arrested I ended up having to hire an attorney and pay 50000$ bond was very stressful and lost my job it came down to the pretrial conference where my lawyer questioned everyone involved. the charges were dropped that very day because both of the people that accused me of the crime during questioning admitted that the police officers that had arrested them told them to implicate me so that they may obtain a warrant for me in exchange for less time for them one of the officers was in plain uniform and the other was masked. My lawyer had everything transcribed so it's all in writing the prosecutor was present and both of my accusers said the same thing. Charges were dropped but I am still outraged and feel very violated I'm out over 15000 that I spent I lost my job that I've had for 5 years and they have slandered my name. Is there anything I can do like a lawsuit or something along those lines. Someone please help.

Why Make Babies To Bring Them Up To Suffer and Die?

This existence is too ugly for me to want to make any babies. I think it's a bad creation, a dud. You have a kid then that kid suffers throughout life, then gets disease or tortured and dies. To me I don't trust the existence enough to have any biological kid of my own. I would however adopt since it is a sad thing to see so many kids without a good comforting family. What do you think?

How to make this sound better in my story?

the dialogue is out of order and you have to separate the conversations. It's quite confusing. But practice of dialogue comes.

GIRLD:my girlfriend just broke up with me because of this :(?

1st of we r both 14 and we live about 7 miles apart and we go to different schools but our sophomore year ('11-'12) we WERE going to go to the same school. But just today me and my mom got into this big argument about me getting into fights and she haven't seen my grades ever since we to make a long story short my ex text me and said 'hey' I was like I don't wanna tlk 2 you right now because I jus got into a argument and I don't want to take any anger out on you so this might b the las time we talk' then she say 'woooooow, u gotta lot on your mind and I don't thing you need a girlfriend' I thought she was playing at first but she was serious. So I tol her that it isn't her fault and everything but she felt like it was her fault. So sje said' when you get everything fixed we can be back together'. I was just crying a few minutes ago n idk if u r a dud and reading this I was n love!! So the question is did she want to break up with me or was it better for the both of us?

What are your favorite and least favorite mascaras?

I really like Lash Blast volume too, but I'm using L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes right now and I love it. The only downside is that it runs out pretty fast. I used to use Great Lash, and it is #1, probably only because it's been around for a long time and it was the best mascara when it came out so most people stick to it instead of changing brands. I also got a sample of Dior Show mascara once and I LOVED it! I would totally buy it if it wasn't so expensive.

My dad found my journal and read it?

Just relax and let it blow over. Maybe apologize if that is how your feeling. Your dad is acting like that cuz he forgot that once upon a time he was a kid and did dumb stuff don't sweat it everybody feels that way at one point or another.

Poll: What's the worst year of your life?

I'm 15 and I have to say that 2011 is BY FAR the WORST year of my life. I mean I'm mess. Going to mental hospitals, crisis centers, depression. I can't go back to school for a another week because I hacked the dud that mess with me on facebook and told the counselor at schol. I sent rape message trying to make people think it was him I also sent the message to 2 staff at my school to get him banned. I did it because he messed wih me now I almost got kicked from school. How about you?

Milk duds pulling out my teeth?

Last halloween I was eating milk duds and it pulled out one of my teeth. The same night another tooth cam out the same way. And just tonite it happened AGAIN! Is that Normal??? They were baby teeth.

Does Chobani Honey Yogurt actually have honey in it?

I've been eating chobani for a while now but today I decided to try the honey one for the first time. The fruit flavors have the fruit at the bottom but the honey didn't. Was is supposed to? Or did I get a dud?

Friendship problems...?

I have a friend, a guy and he alwaiz says that me and my other friend are his besties..but i never rily believed so. Last day of school, everyone was signing shirts, he didn't get to sign mine but he signed hers saying 'i love u so much..ur my bestie' nd wen i saw him later on at his house where our group hang out..he signed my shirt, i signed his saying' love u so much..ur my bestie' nd he signed mine saying 'love u..never forget that' ? was a bit baffled cos he wrote sumink diff for her..lyk does he care more about her than me? or was it cos he wrote hers in the moment, when every1 was gettin emotional bout leaving school nd he wrote mine lyk hours later..i srsly dnt knw..shud i jst ask hiim?

What is the meaning of the sentence.?

"Dud" is not such a bad word, though it is not a compliment, either. When applied to a person, it means someone who is ineffectual or unsuccessful. It is not a polite word to use about another person. Sorry.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Should i get preorder Uncharted 3 or Battlefield 3 with side questions?

I don't know which one to buy, but Battlefield will have "veichles" and medic equipment. It will not be like cod in anyway besides FPS and a military game.

International Outrage Erupts Over Exhibit Depicting ‘Virgin Mary’ in a…Bikini - yes, why is she not in a birka?

Will there be a Catholic version of Jihad over this? True believers would hunt down the "artist" to behead him.

What are some good songs bout...?

I want some cute songs about remebering the past with your ex boyfriend. It sounds weird i know, but whatever.

Why do so many people dislike Obama?

I don't get why so many ppl dint like our pres. What dud he do besides make history in becoming the first black president of the us. Im not saying I worship him or like him or anything I'm just confused. He's our president so we should respect it . Also I heard if John mccaine were to be elected he would bring slavery back but then tht would go against the 13th amendment so...

Round 7- dud round... anybody interested?

GO CROWS......i think suns vs lions should be good....and think crows vs demons should be a ripper an what you said

Does anyone think that Chelsea will offload their �50 million dud?

Drogba and Anelka both are much better strikers than Torres will ever get. but looks like Drogba will also be leaving at the end of this season. if true Chelsea are out of the title race for 2-3 more years.

How to make out with a guy for the first time?

It would be better of their were expericeced people, I never made out with a guy before and the guy I like, likes doing that like I don't mind it, can you give me tips steps like you were doing it yourself hahaha, don't be like just go with the flow or do what he's doing becaus whey I'm a first timer and I don't know notta bout this. So goin woth the flow or natural dosnt help me, hahha anyways thanks everyone for your answers!

My Ex told me he wasnt sure if he had that connection with me after a year..?

I really Love him and he said he doesn know wat he wants and that there could be a future..he just has to get his life together before he can be serious with anyone..We went thru alot..we tlkd bout moving in together and got along well..he was always unsure if he wanted to be in a realtionship..but said i was one of the best people and he really cared..Do u think time away he'll realize he does carea bout me more then he thought? I know i treated him great and i think he took alot for granted..and he was alwasys kind wishy washy cuz he himself wasnt happy with himself and he has bad past realtionships..

Is euthanasia still illegal? Why?

What you're talking about is illegal and unethical, but I understand where you're coming from. We live in a shitty world when we're spending more money to feed and house Iraqis than our own citizens. I'm just a step away from your situation myself. Euthanasia is a gray area, but you don't qualify in this country. I have the knowledge you want, but I can't bring myself to give it to you. Sorry.

Tell me, do you think this guy is (or was) a "ladies man"?

This guy got married at an early age (early 20's) to a girl from a country outside of the USA. He claims that he used to go out with a lot of women when he was younger, saying that they're gorgeous "blonde hair, blue eyes, etc.". He keeps saying that he's good with women because his wife chose him and he's married. I met his wife before, and she was nothing special. Not noticeably intelligent, attractive, and not very outgoing. Whenever there are attractive women around, he'll either be silent, or he'll talk about his wife. He would never approach an attractive women, saying that he's married already, and he would never be my wingman. What do you think? Is this guy a stud or a dud?


You really need to take things people say with a pinch of salt maybe their opinions are a bit one sided but there is often no smoke without fire. As for contacting your dad i think the best course of action is to get the people who know him to approach him about you wanting to communicate to test the water. Then a letter or phone call is a good start but i would recommend if you are going to meet face to face to have someone there you trust and older like a family member you think could be there for you without intimidating your dad! You have a right to contact your dad but there is a chance it may be difficult to see you for whatever reason.

Idk if I am pregnant?

I am 4 days late I had light bleeding last week but it dud not seem like my period. I have fatigue , loss in appetite moody cranky. Cramping a little. Increase in vaginal discharge like gushes of it. Took a test today it was negative idk help

They always gossip behind my back?

I over hear the girls talking bout me. when i enter the room they're like HEY WHATS UP??? Filthy lying bitches!! Should i be nice or rude to them? should i ignore and give them the silent treatment?? Grade 8

Con/Repub women - please answer these two questions about Michelle Bachmann....?

The left gets upset when their team gets bashed, we get called racists all the time.... That's the card they play to counter logic about legitimate criticism of Obama. The left bashes Palin too. I have not heard a lot of Bachmann bashing yet.... Not like Palin.

Help me.. m becoming paranoid bout my pregnancy?

i have become a paranoid.. i am having my periods regularly .. even the home pregnancy test is negative.. still there is only one thought in my mind... am i still pregnant... its been 5 months since i had sex... Please Help

What this guy is all bout?is he faithful,gud natured type??his planetary positions- Sun in 8 Vir46''58 ;Moon 4?

Cap 53'30 ;Mercury 27 Leo57'28 ;Venus 10Vir46'53 ;Mars 15 Can 46'34 ;Jupiter 24 Leo16'34 ;Saturn 16 Vir9'30 ;Uranus 17 Sco31'4 ;Neptune 17 Sag43'28 ;Pluto 17 Lib35''52 ;Ascendant 15 Can21'38 ;Midheaven 6 Aries23'48 . astrologers pls help.thank u in advance.

What song is this, here are the lyrics? It is an older song sung by a woman.?

DID YOU by The Morrie Morrison Orchestra Featuring Alyce Hauser. but i can't find any way to purchase the song:(

I'm a big dull pls?

I am a boring person. I lack the skills to carry on a conversation. I dont havr hobbies oreven know who Iam. I'm sick of feeling lonely and having no friends and I feel pathetic for even asking: how do I even bring out the good in me or come out of my shell?

Monday, July 18, 2011

What is up with Obamas FDA sending US Marshalls to raid a probiotics lab?

Democrats are little more than thugs. Look at the carnage that ensued under the Clinton Regime; Waco, Ruby Ridge and numerous other blatant attacks on American citizens using excessive force. Just wait until 0-bongo figures out that he can't win reelection by legitimate means.

How can I update my PSP?

Sorry, bro. You can't update without a battery. I pretty sure there's a hack so you can update but you'll have to jailbreak to do that.

Whats wrong with me??? Please answer?

I found out my bestest friend in the entire world lies to me and her lies are huge. Shes really mean to everyone and is a total slut. So i yelled at her and said I dont want to be her friend. I got outraged and sent her bad text messages. Her mom called my mom. I got in trouble and blamed it on my othr friend. I feel like im worthless. My parents hate me my dad always has he abuses me emotionally. I never get any attention from my mom except when shes yelling for me to take car of my 3 year old sister or telling me im a slut. My 11 year old sister makes fun of me and yells at me nd hits me. A lot of people make fun of me at school. No guys ever asked me out. Im popular at school, but thats because ive been acting like someone else. Not me. Inside Im always crying. Inside im always scared. I really dont know whats wrong with me. I hd a great friend before and I told her how my dad abuses me and stuff and how i feel worthless. She told me to pray. Which i did every night for a month. Things just got worse. I just started cutting my ankle a few nights ago because i thought i deserved to be hurt. I really dont know whats wrong with me. I never act this way useually. Im actually really fun and outgoing to everyone. I actually have a great personality but something is making me this way. I feel trapped and i dont know what to do. I promised myself to never cut myself again because i would of never did that but I felt like i had to. Please dont say that im emo because im not i swear.

Was I right to let my Budgie go free?

I bought a budgie two weeks ago from the pet section in the garden centre. I named him Bryan. I tried to teach him to speak but it was no good I must of been 'sold a dud'. Anyway, Bryan seemed very depressed in his very small cage so I decided to let him go. Without hesitation he flew out the window. I think I have done a very good turn here and hope he enjoys his life in the wild.

Why are archelogical sites kept in a state of ruin ?

Like when you look at the restored city of Babylon in Iraq that the infamous Saddam Hussein erected over the old ruins, the preservastionists are outraged by it . My question is why ? Why keep such beautiful places like Babylon, the Colosseums of Rome and so many other architectual marvels of the ancient world in a state of ruin ? The Japanese preserved their historical sites as well as the Chinese, making them look new and beautiful like they should be . So why don't we ?

Girls,help?!?!?!please-10 pts for best answer!?

Ive been liking this girl at school for a while now and she knows i like her and thinks its cute i asked her if she likes me she said"no,im sorry" but then few weeks later shes been like quick glancing,staring and smiling at me then one day my friend got called up by one of her friends to come chill and the girl that i liked was there she asked if i was with him and told him to bring me with him then when i got there i just kept quiet talked a little then i smiled at her then she smiled back and we kept quick glancing or looking at each other-do you guys/girls know wsup cos im just feeling like what the?,another thing is my friend told me shes been giving me chances before to try and get something going on but i was just too shy to go up to her.oh and like two days ago my friend called me up and told me she was at summerschool so i said "yea imma bout to go out for a jog;)"lol then i ended jogging there so i could see her when i got there, the whole time i just kept quiet and she kept looking at me then she left after 10 mins-later on he said"dude why didnt you talk to her she wouldve just walked away when you just got here if she didnt like you,she was hella looking at you dude." i dont know guys/girls could it be cos im not like talking to her cos thats really what im thinking im just really too shy shes really beautiful real talk and i might just start to get nervous and i know im gonna studder and just turn red if i talk to her aha.PLEASE HELP!

Should I call him after first date?

He sounds strange does not kiss on the first date, then make reference to your breasts,don't all him, he don't sound balanced to me.. I know its hard to find a decent man but this guy sounds like a crank...


ask him y worry were all only her once. but i would defo say he does txt sound a little bit cheesy tho lol ! !

Can a runt produce normal size dogs? Isnt it all about genetics?

No I am not a breeder its a science queston. If there is a runt (small) from a healthy male and female and grows up and has puppies with another normal male doesnt the runts original genetics play a role in its offspring? Will it produce normal size puppies or will it be like breeding a normal size dog and a small dog together cauasing smaller size puppies then the breed entitles. I guess i have tryiing to figure out if runts are a genetic thing that passes on or just a dud that wont pass it on.

How do I choose between the two men I love?

I was in a relationship with a guy for over 3 years, we broke up because I wasn't sure about the relationship. Then I met this guy from Saudi Arabia, who I have been with for over 6 months now. I love both of them deeply, but in a different way. My ex was the perfect guy, I mean literally if I had a check list he would be classified as a saint. He is in the military and I just wasn't sure if he was "the one." See I feel like I can't tell him things, like about the past. Only because he thinks everything is bad so I feel like the devil for some things like smoking while stressed. Anyways, the guy I'm with now is amazing, he is so sweet and I just love him to pieces. The thing is my ex wants me to come back and marry him and move away. While my boyfriend was going to have to go out of state for school, but now he is staying for 2-3 years. Were not very serious, he tells me he really likes me and cares about me all the time. At first he said he couldn't get serious because his religion, he is a muslim. He tells his American mother about me, but doesn't tell his dad because he isn't allowed to date. Yes we have sex, which is wrong, but we do it anyways. He recently asked me to move in with him( I have stayed the night with him every night for 5 months) but now he wants us to share a house, but have separate rooms for looks and for our stuff ya know? All of his friends know about me and like me, but some people think he is just in it for the sex, which I highly doubt. He is kinda really jealous, like if I don't answer my phone he'll call and text a lot getting really mad, or come to my house. He has mentioned that he wants me to be a muslim, I think because he cares. Another thing, when we were together about a month I got pregnant, and he automatically stated that he wanted me to have an abortion because his dad and his family would be outraged and disrespected, see were both in college, he is getting money to go to school. So I decided not to ruin our futures and got the abortion, he paid for it and was there taking care of me the whole time, he felt really bad, we were both upset. So now I don't know if I should move in with him, not knowing if we even have a future together, or get back with my ex and get married and move away. Please give me some advice.

Can somebody PLEASE help find the name of this movie?

It could be "Deterrence." A 1999 French/American dramatic film written and directed by Rod Lurie, depicting fictional events about nuclear brinksmanship.

Is this just my imagination or am I really like this?

Oh I am the exact same! I am 20 nearly going to be 21 next month- but yes I am totally like you, I sit at home and hardly ever go out. Just have a couple of friends that I see once in a blue moon for a couple of hours but thats it. My other friends have kind of grown apart because I used to go out but not anymore so I feel like I have lost out on loads of friends but since I am extremely shy I always felt awkward while out with them so I just stopped going. SO now I am just the same as you, but I know one day it'll get better, It always does! So keep optimistic and for the time being just enjoy being lazy and not having to do anything! :-)

Boyfriend help? jealous of his 'perfect' friend?

I would do the same thing and I have. Meet this girl and see for yourself and then tell him that they can be friends but that he needs to lay of the compliments and you may still be really jealous but if it makes you feel better you can kiss him in front of her. It's kinda rude but it sure made me feel better. If you need then talk to her one on one and ask if she likes him at all.

Could ant infestation be caused by the shrubs being chopped down in our garden?

Our Landlord has recently removed ALL shrubbery from our front yard, which is directly underneath our kitchen window. We have since been invaded with ants in our kitchen. Our Landlord has said that this is the result of general untidiness within the house (which is not the case) so could it be caused by removal of the shrubbery and the recent bout of hot weather?. Thanks :)

Is sending nude pics to a guy through Facebook something that will eventually catch up to me?

Okay, this guy and I have known one another for a bout a year and a few months now. He lives so far away from me, but we met through is sister who is a close friend of mine. I've never seen him in person, but God knows that if I did we would be perfect. He has a more mature mind than me, I'm very childish but he says he loves that about me, it keeps him from taking life so seriously sometimes. He loves talking to me other than when we're cyber loving and getting off to one another. He makes me laugh and feel good and special and I do the same. I call him my King and he calls me his Queen. I just really want to know if anything we write to one another or the pics we send one another can and will some day be seen by other people. I don't show my face at all, neither does he, just in case. It's just our bodies. So, is this something that will eventually catch up to me? I mean, I love the dude.

Would you be outraged if...?

Your boss didn't pay you for 3 days that you were there, and you didn't realize it until you got your pay? That's getting up at 5:30 a.m., working 8 1/2 hours a day, and on your feet all day in 90+ degree heat? Oh, and your boss used the recession as an excuse, and he's your dad. That just happened to me.

I'm 15 and feel like the dud in the family?

My aunt is now on her deathbed and could pass away at any moment and I really want to be beside her when she is ready because she is suffering in agonising pain still hanging on for an unknown reason but I'm getting treated like I'm a 5 year old and get kicked out of many things. When we have family over and we're all sitting in my aunt's room talking to her (by the way she had a massive stroke she cannot respond, but can hear us) there is always something "specific" that is about to be said and I'm told to "leave the room for a second" but my 11 year old sister can stay in there. That really embarrasses me. They treat me like I've not witnessed anything in my life but I've witnessed far more than a 15 year old should. It depresses me and all they do is tell me to go downstairs to my room and play my game (because I play Runescape). I just feel like the dud in the family, all I do is stand there and I feel so depressed because I can't talk to my great aunt who I've only known for 8 months of my life and she is about to pass away. My family does love me but they act like I'm the kid who should cover his ears or cover his eyes when something minor pops up. I've heard the worse swearing all through my life, I've seen so much fighting between my parents (even though they are still together and love each other). I just feel like I'm not allowed and all I do is sit on my game 24/7 now. I'm homeschooled

Bout my pet spider please read?

i have a really tiny spider in a sandwhich box nd i put holes in will i live its normall life if i put insects for it to feed off and does the insects have be small or big ??

Are these symptoms of pregnancy? ?

These are all symptoms of pregnancy but they can very well mean other thhings as well. You could just be sick. It often happens that when we think we are, we start having symptoms like we are when its all realy phsycological... no your not crazy. Just breathe and take a test 4 days before youre due for your periods. Good look and congrats if you are hun . xxx

Where do i keep my hamster?!?!?

so i rly wnt a hamster and my mom wont lemme keep him inside cuz its "not hygenic" and theres no way of convincing her and we thought bout keeping him in the garage but he might overheat or freeze and i RLY want one but i dont wanna torture the lil guy :( wat do i do?!?!

Make a website with all the false accusers listed.?

Umm just because a woman recants her accusation or a rapist is found not guilty doesn't mean no rape took place and an innocent woman wasn't victimized. Most women recant from fear and media attention and many rapists walk free because of juror incompetence or mismanagement of the case by the state. So in essence you would just be looking at a list of names of women who where screwed by the system and society.

How's your day going so far?

Mine's is awesome. I visited my parents today. My dad didn't call me a loser like he usually did. He never liked that I was into rock music. I helped an old lady cross the street and helped someone buy contact lens solution. what bout you?

I just tested hiv negative. What are the chances I have HIV?

You do not have HIV. Most people would test positive within 3 months after getting infected. In very rare cases, it may take up to 6 months for someone to test positive. Testing 6 months after possible exposure can be considered accurate. You tested negative long after that 6 month time frame had passed. That means that you are fine. You did not get infected by your possible exposure 5 years ago.

Where can I find a FREE web host? That allows me to use HTML?

I want a free website, I don't mind if it has some weird name like ( as long as it's free. I also want to use my basic HTML skills to make the website, I don't want any templates or anything. But, either way, as long as it's free. Thanks

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Read my story if you want to.?

So I'm bored and I'll like to tell you a story bout myself. I chew gum and i wrap it around my finger and chew my finger. is that normal? >33 LOL write a funny story of any type of story you have :D THANKS!

Why is our government letting the chinese buy up huge swaths of land here? where is the liberal outrage?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I had a dream bout my friend mentioning bout me and him getting married?

i was sat at his place and we was talking bout me moving away and he said that isnt going to be good with us getting married i looked at him and he smiled and said yes us getting married and i just smiled back but felt happy inside i ave bin thinking bout him and i have started to ave feelings for him

Should a PRO-ATHEISM PROCLAMATION be stated at the beginning of every Congressional session?

I'm guessing you are an American. If so, it would seem that too many people forget that the US has separation of state and church. Tradition is not a justification its an excuse. Traditions can be changed.

How safe is ebay..really?

A good change you'll get scammed, but ebay says they have it all covered so I wouldn't worry to much about it. It's safe, but like the other user said I'd prefer to buy something from a site that owns it. Not from someone who HAS owned it.

Can i let my cats outside?

I have 2 cats, 1 i rescued when she was a kitten in a shelter..the other i found starved under a bout dock when

What do you think of the beginning of my story?

You have the skills to be an author. I only read what you typed and yet I am already interested. I must say, I am writing books a lot but you have the skills to be an author. You make the book interesting and you make the reader want to read the rest and find out what had happened.

How This Pokemon Team?

i would take out espeon since it is not able to evolve until u beet the elite 4 and replace with lapres, vaporeon or slowbro

My son's mom gets free rent and has someone living with her illegally. What can I do?

My son's mom has 3 kids total and because she's an unemployed single mom, she gets free rent (I've never really understood this, but that's another question). Anyway, since early March, she has had her latest boyfriend living there with her in the apartment. He too is unemployed, and I found out that he's an ex felon with admitted serious issues with anger and agression. He apparently had a mental breakdown last fall. I am very concerned about him being around our son (who is 19 months old). My lawyer told me it is a felony for her boyfriend to be living with her since her rent is free, and I have reported it to the local housing authority, but every time they confront her, she tells them her boyfriend is "just visiting." In reality, he had been homeless when they met, and he has never left her apartment a single night since early March. My question is, how do I go about proving this, so I can get him or both of them thrown out of the apartment, or at least force them to pay rent? We are currently in the middle of a vicious custody battle, in which she is lying about every imaginable thing, and since no visitation has yet been established, she is not letting me see my son. I am very worried about his welfare, and am outraged that I scrimp and save to make my house payments, and she and this guy are pulling a fast one on the system. Any advice at all on what I can do to prove he lives there will help, or is there a higher authority I can take this to besides the housing authority? Thanks!!

When is this supposed to happen?

im 7 weeks today. for about a two weeks my breast have been growing now my milk duds are really sore and my breast are harder than normal. i knew it would all happen but i thought it was later on in the pregnancy?

Question bout batman lego for the wii?

I'm stuck on the part where batman an robin are chasing after the scarecrow in planes an he passes up this tank an his goons shoot it up an it catchs on fire the problem is what do I do when I get there I can't figure out how to get 2 him

I need a fast, free working Proxy?

I need a fast, free, working Proxy to hide my IP, I am getting sick of finding so many duds. I have tried just about every proxy on proxy 4 free, so please don't suggest those. Thanks :)

I really Like this Girl but I'm not sure?

i really like this girl. we are good friends.Recently a guy who liked her told her his feelings for her and she rejected him. When I asked her the reason she told me that she doesnt believe in love. we speak a lot.....but i am not sure if she considers me a friend or i dont know if i should tell her about my feelings for her or really confused am and totally head over heels for her....wat do i do? i have hinted to her many times that i want to be more than frenz....and i am sure she has got the hint but i dunno wat to bout a years time we may neva see each other again so wat do i do?

Why did he tell me he almost said I love you?

I'm 20...he's 35...we've been flirting off and on for about a month now. We were messaging each other on facebook and I told him, "Have a good night dear!" and he replied with a "Have a good night sweetie pie sugar drops!" I kind of poked fun at him for calling me that. Told him to sleep well once more and then he replies with this: "it was just off the top of my head... and as i was typing i don't even know why i guess we are good friends of course but it caught me off guard i bout said gnite i love you lol without thinking about it then i didn't but gnite to you 2 dear :)" So we haven't even really went on a date yet...but we lived right next door to each other for almost 2 years. We haven't seen each other in more than a year.....and now we've talking again for about a month or so. What does this mean?

What would have happened if the a-bomb the US dropped on Hiroshima was a dud?

Wow how insensitive can you get. Go Google some pictures of what happened after the bomb was dropped and still see if you think it's a good idea.

Do you think Dark YA is just a phase?

Once something is introduced, there is no way to get rid of it. It won't always be as big as it is now because things get popular and then fade away as people get burnt out on them and find new things. But it isn't ever going to go away.

Where have all the war protesters gone?

When Bush was president, Cindy Sheehan was a celebrity. Now that Obama has not only continued the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but expanded to in include Libya and Yemen. I can't seem to find any outrage from the formerly concerned liberals. Could it be you were never anti-war, but just use any event possible to attack your political enemies?

Do you think i will be a cereal killer cause im white?

all my friends are black and they always go makin fun of me sayin that all cereal killers are white. jus cause im white and my favorite movie is silince of the lams they say im gonna be a cereal killer do you think all cereal killers are white and will i be one wen i get older?????// plz only srious answers. its probably dum to worry bout it but im sacred i will be one

Question about bullets and guns, quick answer asap please!?

Yeah it'd go straight through. Time to live is dependent upon which part of the chest you're shot - if hit in the lungs, less than half an hour. If through the heart, you'd die almost instantly. Any other non lethal part would take a few hours because you'd bleed out.

Ladies does your man always get off every time during sex?

My boyfriend and I have sex a lot and its usually good but seems like once or twice a month we have a dud. Is this normal is it ok. Prob 8 out of ten times he's able to get off. He says its not me.

What are your opinions on my prologue from my new story?

thats good, answer mine please?? a href=";_ylt=AhX9Rbz_P7S96ZvKEzkfz5Xty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110629102547AAKld60";…/a

Rate this Pokemon HG Team?

Good team, nice use of different movesets. I would maybe use Kingdra as your last pokemon, it can help counter your ice weakness.

What are the true numbers for the battle of the somme ?

it is held that german casualties at the somme were ranging from 468000 to 680000, while the allied casualties are 623000, many including winston churchill said that german losse were below 300000, again the british media still claims that they were 680000, how can the germans suffer so many casualties in a battle were they enjoyed great defensive stance and also minimized there casualties by applying the defence in depth theory and were the enemy's entire offensive plan was flawed and a third of vritish shells were duds and most fired shrapnels, what r the real german casualties ???

Is this a good pokemon Fire Red team?

its a pretty goood team but you should stop useing moves that take 2 whole turns to use becuase that can make them miss the attack.....and give ur main pokemon a shell bell or its calld left overs becuase each turn they gain health

Why do I attract the wrong guys?

Why do I attract duds, guys I'm not intrested in, weirdos, players, Ok so i seem too attract guys that are not compadble with me, everytime there either a player who doesn't want a realationship and just wants sex, or I attract guys who perceive me as nice, and then other times I attract guys who are so confusing to know if they like me and come up with the weirdest one liners like ''you think you can get away with anything because you're pretty'

Everything Is Illuminated - Ending Confusion?

There's nothing wrong with your edition, mine also has exactly 276 pages and ends mid sentence on "and I will" with no full stop etc

Do you agree that the past backbone of the nation, our OAP's, should have to decide wether to HEAT or EAT?

this coming winter. These are the very souls who endured extreme hardships in the 40's and 50's, in order that we could pay back the USA for its help during WW11. Should they again suffer, in their dotage, not for the sins of the Nazi's, but the sins of the bankers. Is it not an outrage to these people, who are after all are our mothers fathers grans and grandpa's

Poll: Why are People so Hurtful?

It has been two years. It's a bit excessive at this point. We can't commemorate the death of every famous person every year just because they were famous and had fans. This question is unreasonable, and you are ridiculously over sensitive.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is It Bad To Have S. E. X. ?

okay so im 14 and ive been with this amazing guy for a while now hes 15 but the same grade, were gonna be going into highschool, he lives in a differnet town than me but we still make plans so i can go there and we can see it each other, but were serious and truelly love each other and were thinking bout having sex, but a friend of mine said no we shouldnt unless i would like to become a super slut.. so now im confused and no he isnt pushing or rushing me, we thought bout it and talked bout it. answers please?

What if the 21 May Judgment day turns out to be a dud?

It IS going to turn out to be a dud, just like every other time Harold Camping has "predicted" when the "rapture" will be. As if it weren't enough that the rapture itself is a ludicrous notion that most of Christianity rejects... people also choose to gullible enough to listen to some old coot who thinks he can predict when it will be using some sort of goofy "new math". Honestly...

Love spells?. Wiccan's Rede?

We get into trouble when we try to take over the controls for other people! I really don’t believe that any type of “spell” works as we desire it to when we attempt to take over another’s free will. The very concept of “stealing” that person’s choice goes against natural laws or lessons we see in almost all of the religions or belief systems that exist. There is a big difference between religion and spirituality, yet in both it’s clear that to force your will on another is wrong. That is why I believe that no love spell could ever be specific enough to get you clearly and exactly what you want.

Is this the reason some people have enough time to be top contributor?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I need a guys advice. ?

deffinately. Thats whats going on with my boyfriend right now, except it's with his ex & he wants to be her friend.

Good fat burner that acctually works?

hey im a 15yr old male, bout 5'9 and weight 92kg. ive being going to the gym for about 2years on and of and have bulked up for my age. as i lost 20kg when i was younger, i still have a bit of exess fat which is blocking my muscle from showing. i eat right and play soccer 6times a week but the fat is stuborn and wont leave. i brought a fat burner called "carnitine". when i got it i lost bout 2kg but then it didnt nothing for me, i was hoping if anyone could help me with a great fat burner which acctually works (money isnt an issue) or any other method of training to get rid of the fat. i only want to lose about 5-7kg to get tonned a little more. thankyou very much :]

Why do so many gay guys think they are masculine (Part II)?

Pay no mind to some of these self-hating masculine gays. I'm a feminine gay male(crossdresser) and I'm strong and proud of who I am.

What do ya think of Toyota racers?

For the first four weeks(until the first day of spring), I thought it would be cool to a racin' Toyota in Victory Lane. Between the Vegas and Bristol races, I said "If Toyotas don't win, I'm gonna scream." I gave up on the Toyotas the Sunday mornin' they were at Bristol, thinkin' they could be duds. I started watchin' a couple of drivers, one a Toyota driver and the other not, anymore. I got excited about my two to watch when they were racin' at 'Dega and decided I like the latter better. My second favorite driver is a Toyota driver. It's been that way for 28 days and countin'. Please stick to talkin' about yer thoughts on Toyota racecars or ya git a thumbs down.

Why are people so scared of kids and teens. And discriminated against them.?

The generation of kids back in the 60s & the 70s were very different and more mannerly kids of today are just outta control!

I have a boyfriend but like someone else..?

I have this boyfriend for 2 years but we've broken up a few times. Ive done him wrong cause i thought he did me wrong and everyone tells me i loved him an was hurt so i cheated on him but he says nothing was true bout him cheating on me an hes always beggin me to do things but then sayn he love me the next. So i recently found out his bestfriend brother likes me. And wanted me to meet him somewhere. And now i thinkvi kind of like cause whenever i see him i get tht good feeling. So i dnt kno if i should stay with my boyfriend or give the other guy a chance hes very nice to me.(:

What do i do when my gf gets made with me for talking to other girls when she talks to other duds?

Because she's a crazy *****. Try rationalizing with her. Talk it out. Relationships can't work if they're not equal

Im 14 weeks pregnant and negative home pregnancy test?

I decided to take a pregnancy test i had laying around from when i found out i was pregnant, to my surprise it came back negative. How is this possible? i know im defiantly pregnant i just had my 12-14 week ultrasound 3 days ago and it showed a very active healthy baby measuring on size to the day. Maybe the test was just a dud? Any ideas on why i would now test negative?

Can I sue my landlord for harassment or invasion of privacy?

It sounds like no laws were broken and I doubt that he will pursue you for any cleaning or damage charges. Just be thankful that you got out when you did.

Is she realy mad at me 10 points easy!?

Shes mad at me and giving me one worded answers and says shes mad and wont talk to me bout it she gets like this but we can talk bout it all the time she always says goodnight and night now she says bye pce iight w.e and im like your mad shes like yes and im like okay talk to me bout it shes like no then she tells me some guy doesnt want to be her friend but shes okay with it n im like ur mad over this lame guy and shes like **** garrett no im not so shes mad at me will she be over it do girls get like this?

Should I text him or wait....?

So me and this guy had a great convo in class one day and then I fb chatted with him 2 times and it was fun (and a little flirty/teasing). But I always started the convo and he ended them. I texted him a funny text and he responded we sent back and forth like only 2 messages then I said "You're waay to happy bout that =p K I g2g, text me later :) " and he responded with "No, you can text me :p kk bye bye! " .... .Now I have no clue what to do, should I text him back and what would I say............??? I like him but have no clue if he likes me

Pokemon Moves help(experts only)?

I would disagree with Scott and keep Waterfall and teach it a Thunder Wave. Once your opponents are paralyzed you just keep on buffing up with Dragon Dance and recover with Left Overs (if you have extras) and then you have a good chance of them flinching with Waterfall or being paralyzed with their status problem. Your Dragonite would seem ok, but he would be better off with Physical attacks, cause he has higher attack then special. Your Infernape would be better off with these moves and a razor claw. Fake Out, Close Combat, U-turn and Flame Wheel or Flare Blitz. Basically you would flinch your opponent with Fake Out (and chance of critical) and then U-turn (and once again chance of critical). Once you run out of pokemon to switch out for, you kill them with remaining moves. Since he doesn't has the best defenses but awesome attack, it won't matter if they go lower cause your opponent will be dead by the chance they even get to strike.

I can't find the email. What did you say? Were you adequately outraged?

I don't know what y'all are talking about. I could get stabby, but I think I'll join my husband in bed instead. He's been snoring up there for hours already. Nite!

What is the use of reservation if it gives rise to corruption.......?

Reservation system is the major cause of corruption and it is not doing any favour to the nation instead is dividing the people. I am certainly against this worst part of the decision made earlier as it has not met any goals it was meant to achieve and would never do too! Just benefitting the politicians and noone else!

How should i have my first kiss?

well my boyfriend, he wants to kiss me and he kissed all these other girls and i havent kissed anyone yet. so i am afraid i will be the worst kisser ever and he will break up with me for it, so i want to know how to get ready for my first kiss, how to kiss my first kiss, and how do you know if your ready to have your first kiss. i REALLY need to know soon so please if you care bout a girl growing up and wanting to know stuff please help me!!!!

Chinese Water Dragon Laying Eggs! Help?

My CWD is laying eggs. She has been to the vet and received an ultrasound and she laid one last week. No more yet but I got her a box to lay in with moist coconut soil and she has at least 6-7 left. She has been digging like crazy in the box and tonight I found her in the box still from earlier this afternoon and she is sitting in an odd position so I think she might be laying another or multiple tonight. Originally I believed they were all duds but after talking to a friend who is into reptiles (though knows nothing about CWD's) she suggested that it is possible for males to breed earlier than females. So, I have my female in with a possible (pretty certain) male who is smaller and younger though they are very close in size and I am wondering if it is possible that these eggs might be good. So, my question is, how do I give them a chance to hatch? Do they need to be incubated? Can I use just a cup and a heat pad or do I need more fancy than that? What happens if I just leave them be where she lays them, will they just die? If you can answer my question I will award 10 points to best answer. Thanks!

Could i be allergic to my cat?

Well my my friend has three large cats and ive gona over to her house quite often, sometimes overnight or 2 days. Ive never had an allergic reaction to them. But a couple days ago a got a new kitten and id say bout a day or two after i started to get an itchy throat , it didnt hurt it just felt kinda scratchy nd i lost my voice a little bit. now my nose is running alot and im sneezing and coughin often. my eyes havent really gotten watery, only sometimes when i cough. and occasionally ill get like a little itch in my throat. nd also i dont really feel like tired like u normally do when your sick. idk if its just a cold or wat ? but wat do u think ??

What should i do??????????

i dont know what to do my i guess i can say friend j(his initial) is like so u dont believe anything i got 2 say bc he tlks crap behind my back and i really dont believe him but he acts like he doesnt care if we tlk or not or if im his friend because he says if u wanna talk to me thats great but if u dont thats your choice and he acts like he dont care wether i do tlk to him or not and then im already hiding stuff from him that i hope he doesnt findout like stuff bout me and his use to be bestfriend but still he acts like he dont care wether we r friends r not should i tell him all the stuff that im hiding from him even though his bestfriend told me not to tell this guy j which hangs out with j and what should i do tell him what im hiding from him and then say im sorry we cant talk or what?please help i dont kno what i should do tell him??

Who are the three greatest living American writers?

I don't understand why you have to be so condescending to people who have different tastes to you. I'm sure there are many people who find your favourite books to be ''garbage'' but they don't go around constantly telling you it.

Why is there a so called African American Culture, when there is no A.A. Flag. Like the Jews & Arabs?

maybe it's because "african american(or black)" is a race/nationality while "jew" and "arab" are religious groups. and if blacks had a flag, hispanics and asians would probably want one too. also- african americans, just like other races/ nationalities/ ethnic groups have ancestors who may be caucasian, asian, hispanic, native american, etc.

Anyone interested in playing black ops hctd on 360 with a pro?

jk bout being a pro but i consider my self decent, im 15th prestige and i currently have a 3.54 win ratio and 2.14 kdr, 2.23 hctd all-time and my score per min. is like 195.30.. i have pleanty of friends that are great or good in this game but im always looking for more to play with. I strive to get better in cod by playing with and against the best, sometimes i even make alternate accounts and join my friends matches to battle against them when they have a full squad of killers.. When i first converted from halo to cod I sucked, 1.10 kd in WAW, but i stepped my game up a lil in MW2 1.43 kd..Now im quiet confident with my stats in blackops part of my improvement has to do with adding more and more solid friends.. Im looking for people to play HCTD with that are good or have the potential to be good like i do, i think good is someone who at least has a 2.50 kd and 200 score per min. please don't answer if your kdr is less than 1.80 or you dashboard to keep your kdr/rank up.. no racist either.. thanks

Am I entitled to another replacement? UK question?

I sent my mobile off to be repaired a few weeks ago and I received a replacement today and the phone is a dud. I've had it plugged into the charger for half an hour and theres no signs off life. My guarantee ran out whilst it was away. Could I get a replacement for the replacement phone they sent me?



Is it time to shop in Iceland?

i' the same! I went to a local butcher and asked for 6 lamb chops. I was bowled over when he asked me for �11.47. I even said to him that when I was in Wales, I could buy a whole lamb for �40 and pay a tenner to get a butcher to break it down for me. I am near my work days now so I shop in lidl's now! very cheap, but not hot on quality! But you can't win 'em all!


OK. I need an address for Super Junior (and Girls' Generation's address would be nice too!) Please don't give me SM Entertainment's address. That address is a dud. They just throw out fan mail or keep it to themselves. PLEASE HELP KOREANS!! :)

Am I the only liberal not worshiping Obama right now?

as a liberal you know how they are, you vote the way you want to and remember, vote for who you think is best for the country. as far as liberals no longer worshiping obama, theres a bit of that going on and sooner or later everyone will abandon him. when has he ever been honest?

How about having 3 presidents elected for the same term and getting rid of the vice-president title ?

This way, if a dud or lemon president is elected, such as in this current term, there will be 2 more with equal policy-making and veto influence. I get that the president is not an ultimate authority due to checks and balances that are absolutely necessary, but having 3 presidents would allow for a "majority" of 2 out of 3 having to veto a bill, etc, etc. Plus (again) it helps if one is incompetent or inexperienced such as Obummer.

I want to have sex with my bf like... ALL THE TIME.?

My partner and I have been together for about 4 years, we have sex every couple of weeks when HE initiates it. whenever I try to initiate sex with him I get turned down, I try not to let him see how much it upsets me but it's starting to make me feel really unattractive. one time I was hinting that I wanted to have sex, and he told me he would rather just go and have a bowl of weetatbix... WEETABIX!! And to make me feel even worse he looks at porn nearly every time i leave the house! I don't think Im a dud root but I guess I wouldn't know. I am at my wits end. please please any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Can you rate my pokemon team?

wud rate it 8/10 u can get better pokemon than a nidoking and fearow.. otherwise ur team really good i think these are your weakest link...hope this helps. peace!

Boy problem, I just need help girl only?

So I extremly like this boy ad we slow danced together at semi formal, my friend put his arms around me and ditto on me, he didn't pull away, he keeped tugging me closer and our bodies touches later he asked fer my numba and wante dto ask me out but I thought my friend juss said tht cause I liked him I didn't have a phone at the time but then I got one and I was on fb and txtinnn so he aske for it so he asked quetions like who do you like etc then he called me but was laughing I think he pressed some wrong button web he was textin me, then he texted I love but I never thought anything of it, then he stopped answering my txt so I got upset and he said to my friend which she took my phone and took his number an was right rude and botchy to him and he got ad and said well I want to talk to her not you, then hiss like best friend texted me he was an ole crush of mine and was askin I heard you like him , and then he was like woul you eff him if you went put o was like sorry no I'd rather wait I'll married and he was sayin how rourke excrush had sex 3 times with 18 yr old he's 13-14 then he aske dig I was green cause Robbie boy who I like would wanna make out I don't even know how to makeout like how? And hold hands I was yeah I'm alright with tht, then rourke was like whatts bout bj or hj I was like um uh idk Idk idk! Please help it best answer as possible what I'm trying to ask is does Robbie like me and why is rourke askig about bj crap when Robbie diditn do anyhibg like that ever..

Can your family force you to choose between your spouse and them?

I met my amazing gf last year and after a year of complete bliss, I've decided to introduce her to my family - I almost never bring girls home unless it's really serious. I met her parents and we got along great. However, when I introduced her to my parents, they acted like everything was fine and told me they didn't care that she is black and I am white. I recently told them I planned on proposing to her for her bday next month and my mom lost it. She told me she thought I was going through a phase where I wanted to experiment with dating a "hot black girl" and that she doesn't get why I'd want to have biracial kids. They told me I could find her equivalent in a white woman amd they would never accept her as my wife. I am outraged. My gf doesn't want to come between me and my family but I love her to death. I am ready to break ties with them unless they accept my future wife. I wish they'd understand but they are stuck in their mentality. What's the best way to deal with this situation?

How would people feel if they made a movie where Jesus fights Godzilla and kills random monsters?

I'd love to see Mohammed take on the Smog Monster. He'd probably yell "allahu akbar!" then be promptly squashed like a bug. Yep, I'd see that in the theater.

Free sample of herbal incense ?

I almost dont want to ask this on here again because i know i will get bullshit answers from losers who are scared of k2 and other herbal incenses. So if your answer isnt productive to my question and if you in any way want to quote websites that say people r dyin from it and whatnot then just go away im not even goin to take tha time to read ur answer and ill report u. I have nothin better to do at the moment. So i want to try some herbal incense that doesnt cost half my paycheck like these habib stores wgere i live. I also dont want to pay a cent for something that smells like f****** grass clippings or sawdust and isnt potent. So im wondring if anyone knows a website that will mail a free sample. Im talkin bout like a hit of this **** i just wanna know it works. Ive ggogled and all i can find are out of date sample promos on google. If anyone can help me out then thanks peoples.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Nice, but I personally don't like Blue Flare I know it's strong but I prefer the move Psychic, and rather Draco Meteor instead of Dragon Pulse (since it lowers SP Atck I use as a finishing move), but love how you made it learn moves acording to its states

What do you think of the protests in Mexico, Mexicans protest against Alabama's new anti-illegal immigration?

i guess mexico will have to publish new comic books for their illiterates on how to stampede into sanctuary states such as maryland who has offered instate tuition for the dreamer's .maryland taxpayers must have deep pockets to afford that

Any Experiences With Tri Cyclen Lo?

I am currently taking yasmin birth control but went to my doctor to get switched because I was starting early and would have random bouts of nausea. I have been on yasmin for close to three years now. My doctor suggested tri cyclen Lo but after reading some peoples experiences with it I'm a little scared. I have heard of weight gain and near psychotic moods. I am small and (to be honest) terrified of weight gain. I also have anxiety so I would not be able to handle the mood swings. Any opinions on this bc or advice?

Ankle and foot painful after running?

For a bout a year now I get this mild sprained ankle pain on my ankle and top side of my foot after I go running. Some times I get mild bruises at the top of my foot. I have rested it twice for 6 weeks at a time but it still occurs. I use an ankle sports support sock- it still aches after even a small run. I've just joined a gym and the reason I joined it was for the treadmills so what should I do?

1st time mums aged 20-24 read..?

If u are post ur email or facebook to talk bout our babies or anything u want.its always fun to b able to talk to some 1 experiencing the same things.

Ohh nooo=(( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Hmmm...that's a toughy. But what i will say is that he is very much older than you by quite a bit and seeing as he's just gotten a divorce don't you think that he might need a breather. Or maybe he's using you as his "breather" which is why some people maybe telling you he's taking advantage of you. I wouldn't fall too fast or you'll just ending hurting yourself. He could be as sweet as sugar but you don't know what he could be like deeper inside. Mind yourself, sweetie

HELP ME!!! Guy Probs!?

Ok so lately in my life there have been a lot of guys, including this one I met a few months ago that was really promising, but he ended up a total dud. I haven't had a boyfriend in 2 years now. I decide i'm not looking at the right type of guys, so I scroll through my contacts and an old name pops up. Garrett and I hadn't talked in so long, that he actually almost forgot me! I'm a teenager now and Garrett is a year older than me. We got to talking and soon I found that there was something between us that wasn't there before. I really like him and by how much he flirts, he really likes me. Sounds promising right? Well it was at first, until I met another old friend, MarieAnn. Turns out MarieAnn and Garrett had hooked up about a week before I texted him. MarieAnn was an amazing friend way back in elementary, but come on it's high school now. I know Garrett likes me a lot more than MarieAnn and she only thinks of him as a friend really because they were hooked up by the quarterback without really wanting to go out. Simply just because they didn't want to be single in summer! Now that MarieAnn remembers me, she wants to go back to the friendship we used to have but meanwhile, i'm diggin on her man and normally since she doesn't really want him that would work. Except that she's head cheerleader soo if he breaks up with her, even if there is nothing there, she will make his life miserable, maybe even mine. Knowing her, she'll keep him all summer as her pet, but what if I can't wait that long? What am I supposed to do?

Please tell me what you think of this.?

First off I am so very sorry you have to go through that and you deserve better. I had that experience when I was younger, though not as harsh. Still, my best advice is that your there to help her and the baby (whether she keeps it or not). You could try to sign her up in therapy or a religious group or something like that. You could also earn money to support her for life needs. As for the drugs, I would snatch them up when she's not looking and throw them away. I pray for all of you, and I hope this helps. =)

I have long blond hair and i wanna grow it out more its bout 5 inch past my shoulder wat r things i can do?

By the time school starts I wanna have my hair grow as fast and long as I can get it I having had a hair cut in like 5 months n I'm starting to LOVE how long its getting Its not really long but to me it is. I dnt wanna get it cut because I finely like how long it is. What are things I can do!?!?!

I really like this guy , i dont know what to do?

so i met this guy lets just say his name is bobby . okay i met bobby a couple years ago, when i met him i was in a relationship with (jimmy) . me and jimmy had a rocky relationship but he was my first love . so bobby really like me , he treated me like a princess, but i didnt seem to appreciate it . so bobby stopped talking to me , i didnt even notice. until a year later me and jimmy broke up , then i texted bobby and he took me back with open hands . but then jimmy appoligized for everything he did so i took jimmy back ,and left bobby hanging again . so ive recently been broken up with jimmy since febuary. i ran into bobby on fb.and im head over heels for him . but he isnt the same towards me . anyway. me and bobby recently hung out and he came over and we didnt do "it" but we got pretty close. & hes talked to me but to a limited extent. . how do i tell him im sorry for the past, how do i get for him to be the old bobby. cause ive told him im sorry becasue i truly am. its just hes all i been thinking bout lately i always have dreams of him . i dont know what to do.

Is this a healthy weight?

Okay so im 5 foot 2 and weight bout 140 pounds my friends all say im not fat but i think i am. what is the healthy weight for someone my hieght?

Do you think catholic doctors can cure gays with homeopathy?

I didn't need to read all that nonsense, it's nonsense. Using a placebo pill to change someones sexual orientation is doing othing but making the poor person lie to themselves. Do you really want to marry someone with repressed sexual desires towards the same sex, who really isn't in to you? I sure don't. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality, so leave it alone.

Love spells?. Wiccan's Rede?

There isnt such thing as a Love spell, you can make the person infatuated with you, but love is more of a thing that comes from the heart, it would work but the consiquences would be three three times as bad as violating someones free will. I am a wiccan personally, and i know that sometimes it can be convincing to try and use a spell like that, but yes, it does violate the rede so i would never do it, its against my morals to violate someone in that way, :) hope this helps x

I reformatted my Vista computer and I have no audio when there is audio?

The problem might not be with the speakers but the audio device driver. Get the latest one from your computer manufacturer's website and install it.

Is it fair to call a person a Backstabber because they have reported a benefit fraudster?

I think you are right! it's time someone stood up to these cheats, because that's what they are, they are stealing OUR money, Our taxes, I'd rat on a rat anytime!

Friendship problems...?

I have a friend, a guy and he alwaiz says that me and my other friend are his besties..but i never rily believed so. Last day of school, everyone was signing shirts, he didn't get to sign mine but he signed hers saying 'i love u so much..ur my bestie' nd wen i saw him later on at his house where our group hang out..he signed my shirt, i signed his saying' love u so much..ur my bestie' nd he signed mine saying 'love u..never forget that' ? was a bit baffled cos he wrote sumink diff for her..lyk does he care more about her than me? or was it cos he wrote hers in the moment, when every1 was gettin emotional bout leaving school nd he wrote mine lyk hours later..i srsly dnt knw..shud i jst ask hiim?

I might be pregnant i need advice!?

almost 2 weeks ago i started actually trying with my partner and this past week has been weird, im not late because my period time isnt here yet but im getting weird signs like my lower back get extremely painful around 8pm until i go to bed im getting random cramping but i never get cramps when im not on my period, also it hurts to lay on my stomach and thats my favorite way to lay. Also i have been using the bathroom alot more. i took two at home pregnancy tests one negative and the other had an extremely light positive but my sister is saying its a dud, and i went to planned parenthood and they came back negative i'm extremely confused i know its too early to know yet i should stop worrying till my period come or if i does, i just need advice if these are actual signs of it or not any advice will help!

How happy were you when you first watched the humancentipad and saw kyle eat ****?

i don't know bout you guys but i absolutely hate that little $hit. he is the whiniest little bit(h there ever was and seeing him get stapled to someones a$$ and have to eat $hit really put a smile on my face. how bout you guys?

Is Abeka Acedemy DVD grade 10 hard!?

I'm bout to start it's my first year being home schooled and I'm in Abeka But they haven't sent things yet I'm in grade 10 and I was wondering if it was hard

I feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me?

The problem is that you are associating you diminished responsibilities with the idea that they are displeased. You left and came back so while you were gone your duties went to someone else. People gossip no matter where you go and even spread untrue rumors, but if you work hard and are pleasant to others you will gain their trust regardless of gossip. If you know you have put your all into the work, then ignore all of the gossip. It is best to avoid getting an earful even if it is not about you. Focus on your work, and remember you are working for free because you care and others appreciate this.

Real estatee question on a property with a bad title?

I received a house in a different state through a property settlement in my divorce. I did not know anything about the property and my accountant advised me to donate it to charity. In my attempt to donate it the charity ran a title search and much to my surprise the title was as they said "tainted" and unmarketable. They said their were back taxes and a foreclosure going back three owners previous to me! i was shocked. I cannot sell it or even give it away. Does anyone have any idea how I can get rid of this dud without having to pay for lawyers etc.

How can we remove the subtle but real racism from the conservative movement?

I am a new, hip, young breed of conservative. I am sick of the old fuddy duds. Why bother keeping old, stale ideas and principles. It's a brave new world. How do we go about bringing our less enlighted friends into the 21st Cetury?

How do I know if my duck egg is fertile on day three?

My friend who owns a farm gave me a duck egg that was laid on the 26th of May. she doesn't know if it is a dud or not. what should i see. last night i saw a dark, shadow that moved when I tilted the egg. I'm guessing that that is the yolk but how do I know if it's fertile?

I'm taking birth control pills and why is my cycle starting in the first week?

I've been taking birth control consistently for four months. Every thing was normal. I had my normal menstrual cycle and it stopped almost two weeks ago. I am now just getting through the first week of a new packet. I started bleeding today after having sex. To be honest the sex was painful during penetration. I also have been experiencing sharp breast pain with slight nipple stimulation, bouts of crying, and food cravings. I haven't got a clue of what is going on with me. I'm hoping someone out there has experienced the same symptoms and enlighten me on what's happening to my body.

I dunno what i should do... boyfriend or friends with benefits?

alright. so i met this guy at a dance and besically he approached me because i wasnt slutty and i turned him down when he tried to grind with me (pretty funny). anyways we met may 22 i think and we called it "chilling" together. not dating, or going out. we have been "chilling" every weekend, we hook up a lot and we get along very wellll. he is sooo sweet and nice. we text like all day!! yesterday i went to his house for the first time... all i can say is that he was a huuuge creep!! but i didnt really say/ do anything bout it. we were in his bed just cuddling and macing. but then he undid my belt and shorts. he didnt try to do anything, but he was kinda hinting that he wanted to finger me. he was saying "well my hands in your control, you make it do what ever you want" and me acting dumb said "well its your hand, do what ever you want with it" so he just kept on joking arround saying that it does what ever i want, and then he was like " well my fingers are working" and i just laughed. i actually have never liked a guy like him before, he treats me so well and doesnt pressure me to do anything i dont wanna do. even though he was a bit of a creep yesterday, i still like him. but the problem is.. i dont know what we are!! i feel like we are together right? but we arent even facebook official! we never talk about our relationship, and im not going to bring it up because im scared itll ruin things.... what do you guys think about all this? thank you!! and sorry for the long story.

What do you say... I NEED AN ANSWER QUICK!!!!?

Ok, so this dude I dont even know on facebook says: wat lil sexii. and i say: ummm EXCUSE YOU?! And he says: wat your num lil cutie. what do I say? HELP!! I dont even know the dud enad i need something good to say to him!! example: get a life!! Thats not a good one so i need QUICK help!!

What brest enhancement medication can I use to get atleast 2 cups bigger?

Im 21. I had big ****. I loved it. Bout the only thing I loved about myself, then not so much when I lost 30 lbs from high school. My boyfriend is a tit guy, Im an *** person. But i definitely want bigger ****. I have a nice tan, and look decent in a bathing suit. What medication can i patiently use to make my breasts larger? You'd be my godess to help me..

Shud I be with him?Plz advice?

He says he likes me alot but the thing is he has a gf and he keeps saying he gna break up with her for me.;/ I feel bad bout this part also evry1 of his frends are major players and jus want sex so idk if he's like them cz how people say who u hang with says alot. I dnt knw if I shud move on or wait til he does break up and ask me out or if he just wants sex.?;(

What do you think of this rhyme scheme?

it's not that appealing to hear if you start a new rhyme at the end of every line. If you did it at the beginning, that's cool but you should keep the same rhyme at the end of a few lines too imo

Why am I so scared?!?

I'm currently 14 and am definetley sure I'm not ready for sex and have decided to wait till marriage!:) But I think the reason why I decided to wait is cause I'm terrified of how much it'll hurt and ill b constantly worried bout getting prego...but I'm scared cause I dnt wanna be scared to hav sex all my life jus cause I'm scared of the pain!:(( Any advice?! And did it hurt bad for u???(You don't hav to answer this one if u feel uncomfortable answerin it)...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is this a good beginning of a story?

Oh for crying out loud, enough with the mirror stare scenes. Can't you think of another way to describe your characters?

Rate my pokemon team?

I give them a solid 6.5. you really chose great pokemon, but i think you should teach your pokemon some strategic moves (i.e. light screen, double team). Also I think you have enough dragon pokemon. Just switch it up for really any other powerful pokemon. I always recommend tropius, so that's what i recommend for you.

Am i going insane? wats wrong wit me?

okay so i dont know wats going on in my head. i feel crazy! but sane at the same time. i can talk to myself for hours and i feel crazy bout it but i just cant stop! its just theres like multiple different me's inside my head u know? each one with a different personality. sometimes i get into fights with them but i know its just me actually? and somedays i just feel like doing crazy things like bursting out laughing maniacly for no reason! aand sometimes i feel hella depressed and i just sit around making fun of myself? idk y i do nit plz help me just tell me wats wrong wit myself and just to let u know thats not all of my problems but i dont hav suicidasl thoughts no.. but i do like thinking wat ill do in the afterlife i also like playing back thoughts in my head about the past and how they could of been better for me......i need help

Bought an iphone on ebay i think is faulty???

I bought an iphone on ebay and recieved it today. Supposedly it is in 'new' condition however i find that the bottom four buttons (phone, mail, safari, ipod) do not work!! The slide to unlock option is also very dodgy, does not work properly. What is going on, have i been given a dud? Is there any way to fix this? What do i do, i am so annoyed!

Tell me, do you think this guy is (or was) a "ladies man"?

This guy got married at an early age (early 20's) to a girl from a country outside of the USA. He claims that he used to go out with a lot of women when he was younger, saying that they're gorgeous "blonde hair, blue eyes, etc.". He keeps saying that he's good with women because his wife chose him and he's married. I met his wife before, and she was nothing special. Not noticeably intelligent, attractive, and not very outgoing. Whenever there are attractive women around, he'll either be silent, or he'll talk about his wife. He would never approach an attractive women, saying that he's married already, and he would never be my wingman. What do you think? Is this guy a stud or a dud?

Most infuential band/artist?

I personally believe its The Beatles but my mate believes its Michael Jackson. I admit he has been inspirational to alot of artist but to me those artists are dud (lady gaga, britany spears, beibar etc) and The Beatles influenced quite alot of bands and these bands (pink floyd, the who, the beach boys etc) are pretty massive compared to the likes MJ inspired. So am I right that The Beatles are more influential or is it MJ?

Does he still like me? Please answer!! I need help!?

Me and this guy who've been friends for two years started dating last yr around april. He pursued me. Long story short, we cut it off In October, just to give some time to ourselves. He started writing me again n January.(he's off @college). I stopped writing him & haven't wrote for a mo. He wrote me another message. Keep in mind were Christians. I asked him 2 mo ago what he thought bout relationships & he said he's trying to focus on God yet he'd love to be in one with me. Does he still like me? What's the deal?

( read description) does she want me?

Yea weird stupid question I know :D. I've never really been in a relationship b4. Cuz I prefer to keep to myself. But yea so I need your help :p. Well I've known her for bout 2 years. Shell call me every other day usually when were bout to hang up I usually hear those three words that confuse me " I love you" ( like a brother she said???)(calls me late at night often gets in trouble lol) course I'll say it back I'm not a jerk, I also threw away one if my best friends for her cuz he was callin her a whore n sh1t. But yea... Like I said I'm really not a people person so I'm a little confused >.< shes outta state btw in new jersey by now. But I hope someone with more experience will answer. Thank you

Boy problem, I just need help girl only?

So I extremly like this boy ad we slow danced together at semi formal, my friend put his arms around me and ditto on me, he didn't pull away, he keeped tugging me closer and our bodies touches later he asked fer my numba and wante dto ask me out but I thought my friend juss said tht cause I liked him I didn't have a phone at the time but then I got one and I was on fb and txtinnn so he aske for it so he asked quetions like who do you like etc then he called me but was laughing I think he pressed some wrong button web he was textin me, then he texted I love but I never thought anything of it, then he stopped answering my txt so I got upset and he said to my friend which she took my phone and took his number an was right rude and botchy to him and he got ad and said well I want to talk to her not you, then hiss like best friend texted me he was an ole crush of mine and was askin I heard you like him , and then he was like woul you eff him if you went put o was like sorry no I'd rather wait I'll married and he was sayin how rourke excrush had sex 3 times with 18 yr old he's 13-14 then he aske dig I was green cause Robbie boy who I like would wanna make out I don't even know how to makeout like how? And hold hands I was yeah I'm alright with tht, then rourke was like whatts bout bj or hj I was like um uh idk Idk idk! Please help it best answer as possible what I'm trying to ask is does Robbie like me and why is rourke askig about bj crap when Robbie diditn do anyhibg like that ever..


I have a Dell V505 printer and I just bought the DELL series 11 cartridges, but they are refurbished and my printer won't recognize them. I AM OUTRAGED AT THE PRICES OF THE DELL CARTRIDGES, but now my printer won't work at all. How do I get the stupid thing to override these cartridges so I can use them??

Fat burner that acctually works?

hey im a 15yr old male, bout 5'9 and weight 92kg. ive being going to the gym for about 2years on and of and have bulked up for my age. as i lost 20kg when i was younger, i still have a bit of exess fat which is blocking my muscle from showing. i eat right and play soccer 6times a week but the fat is stuborn and wont leave. i brought a fat burner called "carnitine". when i got it i lost bout 2kg but then it didnt nothing for me, i was hoping if anyone could help me with a great fat burner which acctually works (money isnt an issue) or any other method of training to get rid of the fat. i only want to lose about 5-7kg to get tonned a little more. thankyou very much :]

How to keep a bird egg warm?

We found a baby egg near the bottom of a tree. IT IS NOT A DUD AND IT IS ALIVE. We can hear it trying to hatch. We know how to get it hatched so dont tell us that please :) We need to know how to keep it warm without a light bulb. We will be at school so we cant just with out hand warm it. If it hatches, What do we feed it? Mashed up bugs?

How to get rid of hair of private parts? wax, shaving or a hair removal cream? do all girls do it?

i have been confused bout this since long. too embarrassed to ask anybody i thought lets try here. do all girls remove hair of their private parts? is it a necessity before marriage? n how can it be done? by waxing, shaving or with a hair removal cream? which is the best option? is it normal to go into a parlour and ask for waxing ur private parts??? please help.

A strange thing is going on with my oven...?

If it never shuts off then it probably means that the thermostat has gone bad. About the only thing you can do is replace the thermostat.

I'm in a sticky situation, please help?

I wouldn't trust him he sounds like a player to me!!!!! Yes he's probably a dream come true, but maybe you should learn more about him first!

How great is Jose Reyes?

I would say hes infinitely amazing and the greatest player to ever play the game how bout you dont you think hes the best and has an ever increasing abundance of hits and RBIS??? GOOOOOooOo REYES!!!!

Guys do you lie to girls about things like this?

No, I tell them if its true. One other thing, almost all people that think they are good kissers are actually not. Its about both of you having a way of using the right pressure and movement that makes it perfect. You can kiss one person and they are like WOW! Then the next is like, EW! Really its all good, except the slober kisser. Cant deal with than one! LOL

What should I do in this situation?

No matter what happened between your real father and your mother it doesn't concern you, you have the right to know who your real father is? This German man can not be your father why did she lied to you that your father is dead? As you are almost 30 or even had it been that you were younger you deserve to know the truth. I feel there is something she is hiding. dint you have any relation you can inquire?

Are my friends just duds?......?

You shouldn't give people your money all the time. I'd say hang out with people who do pay for their own stuff. Yea its nice of you to pay something for them once in awhile, but don't always do that otherwise they will use you. You should still go out and have fun but if you really want to hang out with them, then tell them you're not going to hang out with them if you're always going to pay. They should have some responsibility.

When you sign onto the Army, Do you get your bonuses and incentives right away?

This will be my senior year and im thinkin bout signin up to the army and was told maybe around october i could sign up and was wondering i if i will recieve my bonuses right away or later on after basics or what??

Pokemon Heartgold Team Help?

Ditch the Blaziken for something else. Starters are medium strength pokemon. I'd replace him with a Scyther or a Scizor. Both are extremely quick and have high Attack

How bout some natural relief?

I am not taking my meds. They are bad. I was hit by a car. That was bad. I broke everything. My spine is still broke years later and it really hurts. Cant smoke pot. Dont want opiates. How about something else? Is there anything else?

Would you rather have an upper chamber staffed by people who know things or one staffed by those who believe?

I'm referring to the British House of Lords but perhaps the same could be asked about the US Senate. There is a push here for a totally elected upper chamber as opposed to the present eclectic mix. I think we could end up with a bunch of duds who aren't smart enough to govern directly. Think John Prescott and Neil Kinnock and I'm sure there are members of the other main parties who could fall into that category. I think the chamber requires more people of independent mind than less. Agree or disagree? Please give reasons. Thanks.

How do snakes reproduce?

Ok i may be a dud. Think you should know this first: i am not a science student lol. I know they lay eggs. But how do they have intercourse? How do they produce eggs? And how do they excrete waste from their bodies?

Overpayment notice from edd?

I sent in my edd ca claim form and the next day I received a notice of potential overpayment. The first two weeks were due to I was training and I did not know we were not paid and I was not made aware of it until two weeks after my original start date. The others were dud to I was called in after my claims were sent in. The rest were dud to mistakenly not reporting Overtime. I explained that this was not done intentionally but I ma sure I will have to repay. I received my check but I am not sure if I should cash it until I the determination is final. I still have over $4000.00 left on my claim for this period Will I have to pay it back? Will they offset from what I have left from benefits?

Everyone What are you doin on the 4th?

Hey everyone hows it goin..Im just curiouse what everyone is doin this 4th of july.. As for me im thinkin of a cook out .. lite off some fireworks and fire off my salute cannon a time.. How bout you ???

Why cant me an my girlfriend cant stop fight?

we fight every day like half hour we got in to a fight she say tht i go to break up with i not i love her i cant stop think or talk or dream bout her she say i go to break up with her form my ex i not go to why cant me an my girlfriend cant stop fight i need help

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

He messaged me on facebook and almost said I love you...I'm confused....?

I'm 20...he's 35...we've been flirting off and on for about a month now. We were messaging each other on facebook and I told him, "Have a good night dear!" and he replied with a "Have a good night sweetie pie sugar drops!" I kind of poked fun at him for calling me that. Told him to sleep well once more and then he replies with this: "it was just off the top of my head... and as i was typing i don't even know why i guess we are good friends of course but it caught me off guard i bout said gnite i love you lol without thinking about it then i didn't but gnite to you 2 dear :)" So we haven't even really went on a date yet...but we lived right next door to each other for almost 2 years. We haven't seen each other in more than a year.....and now we've talking again for about a month or so. What does this mean?

Magic The Gathering, what do Germs do?

I've just bought a start MTG deck, and in the booster pack, amongst other cards I received a Germ card, which as far as I can tell does absolutely nothing. Does it actually do anything, or have I got a dud card?

Am i lovesick??????????

i miss my bf all the time and i try to text him and talk to him all the time its summer so i dont see him....i just cant get to sleep at night and i cant stop thinkin bout him...ughhhh am i lovesick

Bellybutton name contest!?

Who can come up with a crazy funny outrages name for your bellybutton? It could be an actual name like Bob, or something you would call belly buttons, like tummy tunnel!

Is my story any good?

As a constant reader, this story was great so far. The area in the middle could use some reconstruction, though. If you got a chance, type it then send it to me; I'd enjoy reading the rest.

Can't edit basic information?

I've been attempting to change my basic information on my profile. Facebook has screwed up on this for the last several hours to my understanding. Hopefully, it's only something that'll get fixed morning come.

My babies dad is a *** hole and don't know what to do!!!?

Kimy I am 38 and have a now 19 year old son. I went through a lot with my son's father many years ago. I don't know what your situation is, but if he persists, you need to call the police. And do it every time. Save everything. This creates a paper trail. As far as your little girl, she does not need to know, don't let her hear these things. My ex husband was violent, bipolar, a drug addict and alcoholic and I made the HUGE mistake of telling my son the truth about his dad. Now, he resents me, and tells people he had a bad childhood, and that his father would not of turned out that way if I had not divorced him. I struggle for many years to give him things, and his father never concerned himself with our son. I got a meager 108.74 in child support. I had his wages garnished so I did not have to see him. If I had to do it over again, I would have moved. Now my son acts a lot like him. Since my ex husband had and to this day still lives with his mother, she was the one that would take me to court when I was trying to keep my son away from his bad behavior. A judge will almost always be lenient to a father. It is hard to terminate their visitation even if it is in the best interest of your child. He is angry at you, and will do anything to make you miserable, he is immature. A guy like him will never look at it and say this is the mother of my child, what do they need, how can I help? He will not change. If you stay there, he will always be a thorn at your side. I would not want to see anyone go through what I went through, and am still going through. If moving is not an option now, work on making it one. Put back money. Get as far away from him for the sake of your daughter. IF seeing him treat you that way, it will cause dysfunction between you and your daughter, she could very well pick up on that behavior and and direct it towards you. You just don't know how a child processes observing violent behavior in someone, how it will effect them. Shower her with love, kisses, hugs everyday. Make that bond between the two of you strong.

What song was playing on the record player on the young and the restless Friday (6/10)?

I have been looking in on YouTube I type in have you ever love me but you can try that and see which one it is, also go to and type it in and see if it pop up too..=)

What do you think of my singing voice?

You are very good at singing that song :D do you sing others because trust me you have a voice and if you try it will take you somewhere are you sitting down or standing up ??

Got a question bout cm punk on raw?

"breaking the 4th wall" means he's saying more than he should be saying like if you have a wall, people can't see what's behind it. breaking down the 4th wall means there are no more walls standing meaning everyone can see what would otherwise be not revealed, ie the mention of ROH.

What pellet gun it better the crosman g1 extreme or the crosman quest 1000?

im looking to buy and there about the same price and i would prefer some one who bout these pellet guns to answer

Good addition to pokemon team?

Definately keep Dragonite, I am not a huge fan of Gyarados, and I really like Magnezone. I think Your Magnezone has a good move set, so I would switch Gyarados. I would recomend replacing it with a ground type, being strong against fire (which is strong on Magnezone) and electric (Which is good against Dragonite). A good ground type would be Donphan, Flygon, and Rhyperior. I personally like Donphan the best plus he is easy to get so I would choose Donphan.

What's the biggest outrage in the Sarah Palin emails found so far?

The biggest outrage is that the newspapers are printing them unredacted, exposing all of the e-mail address and people IN THEM to national scrutiny.

Jewish co-worker inmate conterfeiter Saloman Sorowitsch?

Salomon Smolianoff, the counterfeiter on which the movie is based, was sent to the Mauthausen concentration camp in 1939, when he was caught for counterfeiting as the movie portrayed. Note that in the movie he shows his green triangle badge, for "professional criminal". That was the reason for his original internment, and as such he was an international wanted criminal even after the war. Though he would surely have been sent to the camps as a Jew given a short period of time, German Jews were not yet sent in large masses to concentration camps at this time (although they were heavily persecuted).

How does it feels like for the first time?

Lol, i know u know what i mean. Im 18 and i still havent done it. Yes im scared that i might get preggo & im thingking bout my future. Anyways, how does it feels like doing it (and im asian) and waht dies it feel like after. Does it hurt if its only ur first time?? And for the first timers, what if the guys d_ _ k is huge will it hurts like really bad? How about if its small? Will it feel like fingering urself? I never like that kind i mas2rbation can someobe tell me why? Or uf im doing it wrong?? Can someone olease answer these? Im curious. Hehe, i want an informed answer. Ill give u the highest point!! :)) thanks! :))

Am I entitled to a refund?

If they refuse to refund your money, ask to speak to the manager. If you do not get satisfaction from the manager, file suit in your local small claims court. You should prevail. Make cartain that a copy of your contract with the relevant portions highlighted in attached to your complaint.

Made fake profile to test a guy I am seeing...?

Well, it's good that you know he's a jerk, but if he actually had been a nice guy, you would have been the jerk. In a way, you were never going to win in that situation.

Problems with a project mate?

raise these concerns with him and if you don't get a response then go to the teacher, post haste, this about your grade

Are "open-minded" Leftists outraged that F0X News has a center-right bias?

Of course they are. They want a marxist centralized media full of anti-White communist lies that answers to Comrade Hussein Obama only.

Rate my pokemon team?

A very well built team but you don't have a flying type pokemon. You have everything including al elements except flying

What do you do after the most important person in your life left you?

that was a bit of an understatement actually. where do ya go now that the person that was your life.. the one who made you happy and whole and made all efforts worth while, left you? kicked ya to the curb and so easily walked off.. well i've accepted it now and i do want to move forward, only prob is what do i do with my life now?/how in the world do i move on when i cant forget anything. he was my everything/i made him that so now it feels as if i have nothing. i wanna be happy like i used to be but i dont know how, all tha things i used to care bout/used to interest me, i stopped caring bout them, what do i have to care bout (besides church, family, friends) i fl like theres an empty place now.. and no matter who ive ended up dating they dont fill that/replace or compare to what i had with him. honestly i still miss him like crazy and still get upset over it sometimes (its been over half a year.. i kno i know im pathetic :/) nvr was over a guy b4 him tho :/ my pride used to be so important, but i know id still risk everything for this guy who obviously just stopped caring, in a heartbeat :(.. it still feels like just yesterday we were holdin hands, walkin outside in the sunshine laughing and pickin, his presence making my heart beat faster and slower at the same time and my tummy havin so many butterflys lol and we were just relating, convo flowing and making each other just smile. and seems like the day 4 that we were holdin each other tight then gently and sweetly kissing, and he was just petting me right before we fell asleep on each other).. my heart still hurts, and i know ill have a empty place there where he still has parta ma heart always, but i wanna know how i can stop feeling so dang down and empty/incomplete w/o him.. how do i shake this endless deppression and be happy regardless of my broken heart? sorry bout tha longness lol and appreciate any advise y'all, thank yas. :)

Is it safe to buy things on Ebay? how safe it is really?

I have bought lots of things off ebay and have only had one dispute. Check the sellers feedback score and some of the feedback comments. This will give you an idea of what sort of person/company you are buying from. Always pay using Paypal, that way you have buyer protection. Keep any and all emails from ebay/the seller. If you are not happy when the goods arrive, contact the seller straight away. If you get no satisfaction, raise a dispute with ebay/Paypal. Check the 'Help' pages on ebay, these give lots of valuable information. Good luck.

Is 50 years old too late to get a bachelor's degree in accounting for employment purposes?

After I wrote that I realized how dumb it sounded. But to clarify, at my age, and not particularly looking like the accountant type since I have been driving a truck for most of my life, off and on, I wonder what type of employment opportunities would open up for me. I would venture to say that companies hiring entry level accountants would want a smart, young, professional looking college student. Why would they want an worn out looking dud like me? I really enjoy reading about finance, and stock fundamentals. Accounting principles seems to be the area of stock picking that I enjoy the most.

Is it really right that a school as eighth graders about oral sex?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Which of the following resulted from the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel in Pqlestine in 1948?

That would be: C. Outraged, several of Israel's Aab neighbors immediately attacked the Jewish state.

Kool Aid drinkers bashing Sarah Palin?

Yet Obama was allowed to slide around many issues and remarks including stating that there were 57 states , probably because he was a black guy

Met a foreign exchange student on campus: does he like me?

It sounds like he likes you almost certainly. In fact I would say no doubt about it, being a shy British bloke myself. Best bet would be to tell him as soon as possible. And, on the off chance I'm wrong, he lives in anouther country. But really, there's no worry about that. But you should look up strategies on coping with long distance relationships.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Girls please i think im ugly as hell?

i think im ugly as hell idk wut to do bout it my gf thinks im amazing but she seems to be the only one to think that , is there other girls that like me that keep it from me or am i just ugly

Major crush on sister-in-law. Should I pursue?

I think you and your wife need some marriage counseling because if you get a divorce, imagine what your kids will be going through when they find out that they don't have their dad or mom.

How rare is it to get pregnant with a small follicle at ovulation?

You ultrasound was probably a few days before ovulation, right? What can happen is that a follicle can sometimes mature very rapidly in a couple days. The HGC trigger shot (if you got one) can also cause some follicles that were on the verge to hurry up and mature.

I did Istikhara bout a girl i want to marry...?

I did Istikhara about a girl. The very first day, I got an alert from my bank thaT my account had been credited (still not very sure of the reason but know the source). I continued it for 7-days and on the 7th day I dreamt we were on a football pitch she was wearing a green and white jersey with a thin line of red. Someone played a shot which she pushed away, I picked up the rebound and scored her. We left the pitch together hand in hand smiling. It looks positive, but we're concerned bout the significance of the red stripe on her jersey. a green and white jersey with a thin line of red. Someone played a shot which she pushed away, I picked up the rebound and scored her. We left the pitch together hand in hand smiling. It looks positive, but we're concerned bout the significance of the red stripe on her jersey.

I am looking for a good house cleaner in Brisbane. Does anybody have any suggestions?

I have tried about every cleaning company in Brisbane, but I have had soooo many duds. If anybody has a good cleaner that they already use I would appreciate the contact details. Thanks in advance.

Hey guys just being back to my exs home still. Feel emotion?

Hey guys just being to my exs home to pick up my stuff he offered me a cup of tea picked me up From the station cooked supper for me I know I'm divorced and have to move on but I feel very guilty as I have a partner now my ex also offferled to buy tickets for me fir the Windsor horse show for me and daughter my hubby saud he will pay for me and chandy and not our partner I ft guilty And bad at some if the wrong things I dud to my ex I felt so guilty that I didvthe washing I feel really bad in fighting for the house I don't want too now the cat is buried there should I send a card to him to say sorry fir the yhi gs I did in the marriage and for threatening tovthr house what should ido

Which hip hop/rap review system do you trust the most?

Um, I would usually look at the ratings and read the review(s) on Sputnik, and then listen to it myself.

Why are so many men especially swedish men marrying women from other countries...?

The women move there from poor countries to be taken care of by a man. Exploiting them if you will. I guess that's your thing. Your article addresses this.

I have a problem with my Marlin 795's last shot bolt hold open?

I took my 795 to the range for the first time today. The LSBHO worked after the very first mag. Then after that, it stopped holding open. The first batch of ammo we shot was really old and dirty POS Remington ammo (really really old, really really dirty). Then the second batch after that was new, never-been-opened Remington .22 target ammo. The first mag of that held the bolt open, but that was it, never again after that. The Remingtons were very bad. There was one dud and they stopped ejecting manually after a while, but would cycle properly when fired. Then I moved on to CCI mini-mags, and even THAT wouldn't hold it open. I ended up dry-firing the rifle a lot today, and I would cringe every time I heard that "click", in fear of having broken the gun. As much as I would hate to do it, I'm thinking about returning this rifle and getting a Marlin Model 60, or maybe a Marlin 925.

What does it mean when my ex wants me 2 know bout his new gf?

i was texting 1 of my bffs and she told me that my ex wanted me 2 know that he was dating 1 of my friends and then it happened the next day w/ a different friend so y does he want me 2 know that my friends keep telling me it just 2 make me jealous

Did I test to early or did I do something wrong?

I got my AF on 4/18 started clomid on day 5-9 and did not use an opk but proceeded with bms every other day on day 12. I took a hpt on 5/7 & 5/13. I would imagine that I would have gotten some results by now as my AF is due any day now. I used Clearblue Easy Digital. Now here's the tricky part... the exp. date on the tests is for 2012, but I bought them on clearance... I know they haven't been discontinued from my drugstore as they do still have them on the shelves... would this mean they are old by HPT standards? Also, I will also mention that both tests were Negative however I have a heightened sense of smell, most things I normally enjoy make me sick, Breast tenderness, and just overall feel "different." Could I be just experiencing this because I want a BFP (hubby also nauseous and just being weird about food) or could the hpt been duds?